Using Announcements


Announcements can serve various purposes. You should use them to post information that you feel all students should be immediately notified of. What this information is can be up to you, and you can use it to enhance your instructor presence.

Announcements can be used:

  • to welcome students each week

  • provide wrap-up thoughts after an assignment or week

  • share important information about an assignment, current events or articles that are relevant to the course

You can access the announcements for a course by clicking the “Announcements” link in the left-hand navigation.

Cultivating Instructor Presence Through Announcements

Announcements are also a great way to cultivate instructor presence. Your initial announcement, the so-called welcome announcement, can be used not only to introduce students to the course, but also to share information about your research, interests, and anything else you feel might help forge a connection with the students.

Here is an example:

Should you wish to change anything in the announcement, just press “Edit.”

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